Book Club Tea at Hogwarts

July 31, 2023 2:00 pm4:00 pm

Location: South Branch - Breckenridge

Type: Board/Friends/Foundation, Community Event, Other, Special Event

Age: Adults

Please save Monday afternoon, July 31 to attend the annual Book Club Tea for adults at the South Branch Library in Breck. This event is open to members of any book clubs, and anyone who is looking to join a book club. The theme will be Tea at Hogwarts. Please bring finger food to share and come dressed as your favourite Harry Potter character! This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Trivia Question: When is Harry Potter and writer J.K Rowling’s birthdays? July 31st of course!

Homework for the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: If you send Jane a title list of the books your club has read this past year, she will combine the lists and provide it for all at the tea on July 31:  jane.vanbaren[@]

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